Fish in a Tree

New Orleans, LA

Fish in a Tree serves all Neurodivergent people.

DEI Services

Fish in a Tree is at the forefront of promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) with a specialized focus on neurodiversity. Our comprehensive DEI services are designed to create inclusive and supportive environments for businesses, organizations, universities, and non-profits.

Neurodiversity in DEI Consultation:

Our neurodiversity consultation services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. We collaborate with leadership teams to develop and implement neurodiversity-informed strategies, ensuring that DEI initiatives are inclusive of neurodivergent individuals. From policy development to organizational culture enhancement, we provide guidance every step of the way.

Neurodiversity Training:

For Executive Leadership: We offer targeted training for executive leadership, emphasizing the strategic importance of neurodiversity in organizational success. Our sessions explore the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce and provide insights into fostering an inclusive culture from the top down.

For Managers: Managers play a crucial role in creating a neuro-inclusive workplace. Our training equips them with the tools to effectively lead diverse teams, understand diverse communication styles, and leverage the strengths of neurodivergent team members. Practical guidance ensures a supportive and collaborative management approach.

For Staff: Our staff training sessions focus on building awareness, understanding, and empathy for neurodivergent individuals. We address common misconceptions, promote inclusive communication, and provide actionable strategies for creating a more supportive work environment.

Presentation, Seminars, Workshops, and Retreats: Our dynamic neurodiversity training programs come in various formats to accommodate different learning styles and organizational needs. Whether it's a concise presentation, an in-depth seminar, a hands-on workshop, or a transformative retreat, we tailor our content to engage and educate participants.

Client Focus: We proudly serve a diverse range of clients, including businesses, organizations, universities, and non-profits. Our services are adaptable to various industries and sectors, ensuring that the principles of neurodiversity are integrated into the fabric of each client's unique work environment.

Fish in a Tree is dedicated to providing a range of impactful and tailored neurodiversity training programs to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Here's a sample list of the training sessions we offer:

  • Neurodiversity 101: Building Awareness and Understanding: An introductory session exploring the concept of neurodiversity, its principles, and the value it brings to the workplace.
  • Strategic Integration of Neurodiversity in DEI Initiatives: Guidance for executive leadership on strategically incorporating neurodiversity into overall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives for organizational success.
  • Neurodiversity for Managers: Leading Inclusively: Practical training for managers on understanding and effectively leading neurodiverse teams, including communication strategies and accommodation best practices.
  • Creating a Neuro-Inclusive Work Environment: Workshops focused on designing and fostering workspaces that accommodate neurodivergent individuals, with considerations for physical, sensory, and communication needs.
  • Effective Communication with Neurodivergent Colleagues: Training sessions providing practical communication strategies for fostering a more inclusive and collaborative workplace environment.
  • Strengths-Based Leadership: Leveraging Neurodivergent Talents: A deep dive into recognizing and harnessing the unique strengths of neurodivergent individuals for enhanced team performance and innovation.
  • Neurodiversity Awareness for Staff: Breaking Stereotypes: Engaging sessions for all staff members aimed at dispelling common myths and stereotypes associated with neurodivergent conditions, fostering empathy and understanding.
  • Inclusive Hiring Practices: Attracting Neurodivergent Talent: Guidance on adapting recruitment processes to attract, assess, and hire neurodivergent individuals effectively.
  • Accommodations and Accessibility in the Workplace: Practical workshops on creating a workplace that accommodates neurodivergent needs, including discussions on assistive technologies and workspace adjustments.
  • Neurodiversity Retreats: Team Building and Inclusion: Tailored retreats offering a comprehensive and immersive experience, promoting team building, understanding, and embracing diversity of thought.
  • Navigating Neurodiversity: A Guide for HR Professionals: Training tailored for Human Resources professionals, focusing on inclusive HR policies, recruitment strategies, and fostering a neurodiverse-friendly workplace culture.
  • Neurodiversity in Higher Education: Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: Workshops designed for educational institutions, addressing neurodiversity in the context of classrooms and academic settings, including accommodation practices.
  • Neurodiversity in Customer Service: Enhancing Client Interactions: Training sessions for customer-facing teams to improve interactions with neurodivergent clients, emphasizing empathy, understanding, and effective communication.
  • Neurodiversity and Mental Health: A Holistic Approach: A comprehensive training program exploring the intersection of neurodiversity and mental health, offering strategies for a supportive workplace environment.
  • Neurodiversity and Innovation: Driving Creativity in Teams: Workshops highlighting the connection between neurodiversity and innovation, providing tools for fostering a creative and dynamic team culture.
  • Neurodiversity and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Guidance on establishing and maintaining Neurodiversity ERGs within organizations, promoting peer support, and advocating for inclusivity.
  • Accessible Communication: Neuro-Inclusive Meetings and Presentations: Practical sessions on adapting communication styles and presentation methods to ensure inclusivity in meetings and company-wide presentations.
  • Neurodiversity and Leadership Development Programs: Customized training for leadership development initiatives, incorporating neurodiversity principles into leadership competencies and strategies.
  • Beyond Compliance: Creating a Neurodiversity Action Plan: Consultation and training for organizations seeking to go beyond compliance, developing a strategic and actionable Neurodiversity Action Plan.
  • Neurodiversity Allyship: Supporting Colleagues in the Workplace: Training programs for creating a culture of allyship, encouraging all staff members to actively support and advocate for neurodivergent colleagues.

These specialized training sessions cater to the diverse needs of organizations, ensuring that neurodiversity is integrated into various aspects of the workplace. 

At Fish in a Tree, we are committed to creating lasting change by promoting neurodiversity as a core component of DEI. By partnering with us, clients embark on a journey toward fostering inclusivity, unlocking the full potential of their teams, and contributing to a more equitable and innovative future.

Read more about Neurodiversity in DEI here:

Neurodiversity: A Crucial but Often Missing Component of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

As we navigate the evolving landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, it's paramount that we broaden our understanding to fully include neurodiversity. Neurodiversity, which encompasses a range of neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, and various learning differences, represents a significant portion of the population—estimated at around 20%. Yet, it is often overlooked in DEI initiatives.

In the pursuit of true inclusivity, we must recognize the unique strengths and perspectives that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table. Research consistently demonstrates that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones, fostering innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. It's not just about meeting a quota; it's about harnessing the power of diverse minds to drive success.

A recent study by the Harvard Business Review found that companies embracing neurodiversity experience a boost in productivity and creativity. This is not surprising given that neurodivergent individuals often possess unique talents such as pattern recognition, attention to detail, and out-of-the-box thinking—qualities that can significantly contribute to the success of any organization.

Moreover, hiring neurodiversity consultants with lived-experience is a game-changer. At Fish in a Tree, we understand the importance of having consultants who not only understand the theoretical framework but have firsthand knowledge of navigating the neurodivergent experience. This approach ensures a more authentic and effective implementation of neurodiversity initiatives within organizations.

Addressing ableism is a critical aspect of fostering a truly inclusive workplace. Ableism, the discrimination against people with disabilities, often goes unnoticed but can have profound effects on the well-being and productivity of neurodivergent individuals. It's not just about providing accommodations; it's about creating an environment that actively values neurodiversity and dismantles the barriers that exist.

To drive home the necessity of neurodiversity in DEI, consider this: diverse teams are 87% better at making decisions, according to a study by Cloverpop. By neglecting neurodiversity, we miss out on tapping into this wealth of cognitive diversity.

As we advocate for neurodiversity inclusion, it's crucial to recognize that it goes beyond compliance—it's a strategic imperative. Organizations that lead the way in embracing neurodiversity not only contribute to a more just society but also position themselves as pioneers in fostering innovation and excellence.

Expanding on the necessity of neurodiversity in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts, it's paramount to delve into the practical aspects of creating truly inclusive workplaces. Companies committed to neurodiversity inclusion go beyond mere rhetoric, implementing neuron-accessible and neuro-inclusive practices throughout the employee lifecycle.

Recruitment Practices:

Neurodiversity-informed recruitment practices are foundational. This involves reevaluating job descriptions to ensure clarity, minimizing potential barriers, and utilizing alternative methods of assessing candidates' skills. Some companies incorporate strengths-based assessments to better identify the unique talents of neurodivergent individuals.

Hiring Practices:

During the hiring process, companies committed to neurodiversity ensure that interviews are structured, providing clear instructions and allowing candidates to demonstrate their skills in a more supportive environment. This may involve providing accommodations such as additional time or alternative communication methods.

Onboarding Practices:

A neuro-inclusive onboarding process acknowledges diverse learning styles. Companies may provide neurodivergent employees with personalized onboarding plans, including detailed instructions, mentors, and opportunities for familiarization with the work environment.


Effective neurodiversity inclusion requires managers to be trained in recognizing and appreciating diverse communication styles and work preferences. Regular check-ins and open communication channels are crucial for neurodivergent employees to thrive.

Performance Reviews:

Neuro-inclusive performance reviews focus on individual strengths and accomplishments. Constructive feedback is delivered in a supportive manner, emphasizing continuous improvement and recognizing the value of neurodivergent perspectives in achieving team goals.


Companies committed to neurodiversity ensure that promotion opportunities are equally accessible. Transparent and objective criteria are essential to prevent bias, and mentorship programs can play a vital role in supporting career growth for neurodivergent employees.

Work Environment and Office Culture:

Creating a neuro-inclusive work environment involves physical and sensory considerations. Employers may provide quiet spaces, flexible work hours, and ergonomic adjustments. Cultivating an inclusive culture involves fostering understanding among all employees and celebrating neurodiversity as a source of strength.

Work From Home:

The shift to remote work has emphasized the importance of neurodiversity in virtual environments. Companies that prioritize neurodiversity ensure that remote work accommodations are available, such as virtual communication preferences and flexible scheduling.

Neurodiversity inclusion isn't a checkbox; it's a commitment to reshaping every aspect of the employee experience. By embracing neuron-accessible and neuro-inclusive practices in recruitment, hiring, onboarding, management, performance reviews, promotion, work environment, and remote work, companies can truly harness the potential of a diverse workforce. Let's not only talk about neurodiversity but actively create workplaces where every mind can flourish.

Building upon the imperative of neurodiversity inclusion in workplaces, it's crucial to highlight the ongoing commitment required for sustained success. Continuing neurodiversity training for executive leadership, managers, and staff emerges as a cornerstone in creating and maintaining truly inclusive environments.

Neurodiversity Training for Executive Leadership:

For an organization to genuinely embrace neurodiversity, it starts at the top. Executive leadership must undergo comprehensive neurodiversity training to understand the benefits of diversity of thought and gain insights into the unique strengths neurodivergent individuals bring to the workplace. This training ensures that neurodiversity becomes an integral part of the organizational culture and strategic decision-making.

Training for Managers:

Managers play a pivotal role in fostering a neuro-inclusive environment. Ongoing training equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively lead diverse teams. This includes understanding and accommodating diverse communication styles, recognizing and leveraging the strengths of neurodivergent employees, and addressing potential challenges proactively.

Staff Training:

Creating a neurodiverse-friendly workplace involves all staff members. Training sessions for employees at all levels contribute to building a culture of understanding and empathy. It helps in dispelling myths and stereotypes associated with neurodivergent conditions, fostering a more supportive and collaborative work atmosphere.

Benefits of Continuing Neurodiversity Training:

  • Enhanced Awareness: Regular training sessions keep neurodiversity at the forefront of employees' minds, fostering a culture of awareness and acceptance.
  • Skill Development: Ongoing training helps employees develop the skills needed to work effectively with neurodivergent colleagues, enhancing communication and collaboration.
  • Mitigating Bias: Addressing unconscious bias through training is essential. This ensures fair treatment and opportunities for all employees, regardless of neurodivergent status.
  • Adapting to Evolving Needs: As our understanding of neurodiversity evolves, so should our approaches. Continuous training allows organizations to adapt their practices to best support neurodivergent individuals.

The Call to Action:

Neurodiversity is not a one-time initiative; it's a commitment to continuous improvement. Companies must invest in ongoing training programs that adapt to the evolving landscape of neurodiversity awareness and understanding.

By investing in continuous neurodiversity training for executive leadership, managers, and staff, companies can solidify their commitment to creating inclusive workplaces. This ongoing education is not just a necessity; it's an investment in the future, where diversity of thought propels organizations to new heights of innovation and success.

Let's make neurodiversity an integral part of our DEI conversations and actions. By doing so, we not only meet ethical standards but also unlock the vast potential that neurodivergent individuals bring to our workplaces. The time for change is now, and together, we can create a future where everyone, regardless of neurodivergent status, thrives.

While specific neurodiversity initiatives may vary, several large US companies have demonstrated a commitment to incorporating neurodiversity in their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts. Here is a list of notable companies known for their neurodiversity initiatives:

  • Microsoft: Microsoft has been at the forefront of neurodiversity inclusion, with its "Autism Hiring Program." The program aims to hire individuals on the autism spectrum for full-time positions, recognizing their unique skills in areas such as coding and data analysis.
  • SAP: SAP has launched the "Autism at Work" program, which focuses on hiring individuals with autism for various roles. This initiative reflects SAP's commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • IBM: IBM has a long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion, including neurodiversity. Through their "IBM Neurodiversity Program," the company provides support and accommodations to neurodivergent employees.
  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.: JPMorgan Chase has made strides in neurodiversity inclusion through its "Autism at Work" program. The program is designed to provide employment opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum.
  • Ernst & Young (EY): EY is known for its "Neurodiversity Centers of Excellence," where they provide training and support for neurodivergent employees. EY recognizes the unique talents that neurodivergent individuals bring to the workforce.
  • Sodexo: Sodexo, a global services company, has implemented neurodiversity hiring initiatives to create a more inclusive workplace. Their efforts focus on providing equal opportunities for individuals with neurological differences.
  • Ford: Ford has been actively involved in neurodiversity hiring with its "FordInclusiveWorks" program. The program is designed to tap into the talents of neurodivergent individuals, offering employment opportunities and support.
  • Auticon: Auticon is a technology consulting firm that exclusively employs autistic professionals. The company recognizes the unique skills and perspectives of neurodivergent individuals in the tech industry.
  • Dell: Dell has a neurodiversity hiring initiative called "Dell Autism Hiring Program," which aims to integrate individuals on the autism spectrum into various roles within the company.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE): HPE is committed to neurodiversity inclusion and has implemented initiatives to hire and support neurodivergent talent, recognizing the value they bring to the organization.