Fish in a Tree

New Orleans, LA

Fish in a Tree serves all Neurodivergent people.

Fish in a Tree provides invaluable neurodiversity education, training, and consultation services specifically tailored for employers. These services encompass a range of formats, including presentations, seminars, workshops, and retreats. The organization takes a neuro-affirming and neurodiversity perspective, rooted in the social model of disability, ensuring that employers gain a comprehensive understanding of neurodivergent individuals and create inclusive work environments.

Neurodiversity Consultations: Fish in a Tree offers one-on-one consultations to employers seeking personalized guidance on integrating neurodiversity into their workplace. These consultations involve in-depth discussions about the unique strengths and challenges of neurodivergent individuals, along with practical strategies for fostering an inclusive and supportive work environment. See also DEI Services.

Presentations: The organization delivers engaging training presentations aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity among employers and their teams. These presentations are backed by scientific evidence and statistics, providing a solid foundation for the information shared. By utilizing identity-first language, Fish in a Tree ensures a respectful and affirming approach to neurodivergent individuals.

Seminars: Fish in a Tree conducts seminars that delve into specific aspects of neurodiversity relevant to the workplace. Topics may include creating accessible communication channels, accommodating sensory needs, and fostering neurodivergent-friendly leadership practices. Each seminar is designed to empower employers with actionable insights supported by research and evidence.

Workshops: Workshops offered by Fish in a Tree provide hands-on, practical strategies for implementing neurodiversity initiatives within the workplace. Through interactive activities and discussions, employers gain the skills necessary to make their work environments more inclusive, leading to improved productivity and employee satisfaction.

Retreats: For a more immersive experience, Fish in a Tree organizes retreats that allow employers to dive deep into the principles of neurodiversity. These retreats offer a unique opportunity for reflection, collaboration, and the development of a comprehensive neurodiversity strategy. The evidence-based approach ensures that retreat participants leave with practical tools and a renewed commitment to creating neurodivergent-friendly workplaces.

By choosing Fish in a Tree for neurodiversity consultations and training, employers not only contribute to a more inclusive society but also stand to benefit from the diverse talents and perspectives neurodivergent individuals bring to the workplace. The organization's commitment to the social model of disability and identity-first language reinforces a positive and respectful approach to neurodiversity, fostering environments where everyone can thrive.

Here is a sample list of neurodiversity training sessions that Fish in a Tree offers for employers, each designed to enhance understanding and promote inclusivity in the workplace. The content of these trainings is supported by scientific evidence and statistics, in alignment with a neuro-affirming, neurodiversity perspective:

  • Introduction to Neurodiversity in the Workplace: Overview of neurodiversity and its relevance in professional settings. Statistics on the prevalence of neurodivergent conditions in the workforce. Identifying the business case for embracing neurodiversity.
  • Neurodivergent Communication Styles: Understanding and appreciating diverse communication styles. Practical strategies for effective communication with neurodivergent employees. Creating inclusive communication channels within the workplace.
  • Accommodating Sensory Needs in the Workplace: Recognizing and addressing sensory sensitivities in the workplace. Designing sensory-friendly workspaces. Practical solutions for accommodating sensory needs without compromising productivity.
  • Neurodiversity and Leadership: Fostering neurodivergent-friendly leadership practices. Leveraging the strengths of neurodivergent individuals in leadership roles. Creating a culture of inclusivity at all levels of the organization.
  • Building Neurodiverse Teams: Strategies for recruiting and retaining neurodivergent talent. Promoting teamwork and collaboration among neurodiverse and neurotypical employees. Leveraging diversity for enhanced creativity and innovation.
  • Unconscious Bias and Neurodiversity: Exploring and addressing unconscious biases related to neurodiversity. Implementing strategies to mitigate bias in hiring and promotion processes. Fostering a culture of awareness and inclusivity.
  • Creating Neurodivergent-Friendly Policies: Reviewing and adapting existing policies to be more inclusive. Designing accommodations that support neurodivergent employees. Ensuring policies align with the social model of disability.
  • Mental Health and Neurodiversity: Understanding the intersection of mental health and neurodivergent conditions. Providing support for neurodivergent individuals' mental well-being. Strategies for fostering a mentally healthy workplace for all employees.
  • Interactive Inclusive Leadership Workshop: Hands-on activities to develop inclusive leadership skills. Case studies and group discussions on real-world neurodiversity challenges. Practical takeaways for immediate implementation.
  • Neurodiversity Retreat for Leadership Teams: A comprehensive retreat focusing on the development of a neurodiversity strategy. In-depth discussions, workshops, and team-building activities. Crafting an action plan for creating a neurodivergent-friendly workplace culture.
  • Neurodiversity and Employee Productivity: Examining the link between neurodiversity and enhanced productivity. Implementing strategies to maximize the strengths of neurodivergent employees. Addressing common misconceptions about neurodivergent individuals and productivity.
  • Neurodiversity and Employee Well-being: Understanding the impact of a neurodivergent-friendly workplace on employee well-being. Mental health support for neurodivergent employees. Creating a culture of compassion and understanding.
  • Neurodiversity and Performance Reviews: Adapting performance evaluation processes to be inclusive. Providing constructive feedback that aligns with neurodivergent strengths. Ensuring fair and unbiased performance assessments.
  • Neurodiversity in Remote Work Environments: Addressing challenges and opportunities for neurodivergent individuals in remote work. Implementing virtual accommodations. Promoting inclusion in virtual team settings.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations in Neurodiversity Inclusion: Navigating legal frameworks related to neurodiversity in the workplace. Ethical considerations in hiring, accommodations, and promotion. Ensuring compliance with disability rights and anti-discrimination laws.
  • Neurodiversity and Innovation: Exploring the connection between neurodiversity and creative thinking. Cultivating an environment that encourages innovation. Case studies of successful neurodivergent contributions to innovation.
  • Neurodiversity Awareness Campaigns: Designing and implementing neurodiversity awareness campaigns within the organization. Engaging employees in fostering a culture of acceptance. Measuring the impact of awareness initiatives on workplace culture.
  • Neurodiversity and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Establishing and supporting neurodiversity ERGs. Leveraging ERGs to promote inclusivity and provide peer support. Collaborating with ERGs for organizational change.
  • Neurodiversity and Career Development: Providing equitable opportunities for career growth for neurodivergent employees. Mentorship and support programs. Addressing barriers to advancement and promotion.
  • Neurodiversity and Customer Relations: Enhancing customer interactions through neurodiversity training. Creating neurodivergent-friendly customer service practices. Building a positive brand image through inclusive customer relations.
  • Neuro-Affirming Hiring Practices: Developing inclusive job descriptions and recruitment materials. Implementing identity-first language in job postings. Conducting neurodiversity-informed interviews and assessments.
  • Neurodiversity and Retention Strategies: Creating a supportive and inclusive workplace culture. Identifying and addressing common challenges for neurodivergent employees. Developing mentorship and peer support programs for long-term retention.
  • Neurodiversity-Inclusive Onboarding: Designing onboarding programs that cater to diverse learning styles. Providing neurodivergent-friendly orientation materials. Ensuring a smooth transition for neurodivergent employees into the workplace.
  • Performance Evaluation with a Neurodiversity Lens: Adapting performance metrics to accommodate diverse strengths. Incorporating neurodivergent perspectives into evaluation criteria. Providing constructive and supportive feedback that aligns with neurodivergent traits.
  • Neurodiversity and Remote Work: Addressing challenges faced by neurodivergent employees in remote work settings. Developing remote work policies that consider neurodivergent needs. Leveraging technology for accessibility in virtual workplaces.
  • Accommodating Neurodivergent Employees in Work-from-Home: Identifying and addressing challenges for neurodivergent individuals in remote work. Providing virtual accommodations for neurodivergent employees. Promoting inclusivity in virtual team dynamics.
  • Neurodivergent-Friendly Accommodation Practices: Implementing reasonable accommodations tailored to individual needs. Navigating the interactive accommodation process with sensitivity. Ensuring a flexible approach to accommodation adjustments over time.
  • Creating a Neurodivergent-Friendly Physical Workspace: Designing workspaces that cater to sensory needs. Providing quiet spaces and sensory-friendly amenities. Collaborating with employees to create a neurodivergent-friendly physical environment.
  • Neurodiversity and Flexible Work Arrangements: Developing policies that support flexible work hours and schedules. Promoting job-sharing and part-time opportunities. Ensuring equitable access to flexible work arrangements for all employees.
  • Promoting Employee Well-being through Neurodiversity-Informed Policies: Establishing policies that prioritize mental health and well-being. Encouraging self-care practices for all employees. Addressing burnout and stressors specific to neurodivergent individuals.
  • Supporting Employees with Neurodivergent Children: Understanding the unique challenges faced by employees with neurodivergent children. Providing resources and assistance for parents navigating neurodivergent-related concerns. Developing policies that support work-life balance for employees with neurodivergent children.

Each training session is designed to empower employers with practical strategies, backed by scientific evidence, to create a workplace culture that embraces neurodiversity at every level. Fish in a Tree's neuro-affirming approach ensures that employers gain insights and skills to foster an environment where neurodivergent individuals can thrive in their careers. 

Read more about the benefits of neurodiversity inclusion in the workplace here:

Embracing Neurodiversity: A Blueprint for Inclusive and Innovative Workplaces

In today's rapidly evolving professional landscape, diversity and inclusion have become integral components of successful organizations. As employers strive to foster innovation and create dynamic work environments, one crucial facet often overlooked is neurodiversity. Embracing neurodiversity is not just a moral imperative; it is a strategic decision that can drive innovation, enhance workplace culture, and ultimately contribute to business success.

  • A Wealth of Untapped Talent: Neurodiversity encompasses a spectrum of neurological differences, including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more. By embracing neurodiversity, employers gain access to a wealth of untapped talent. Neurodivergent individuals often possess unique perspectives, exceptional problem-solving skills, and a capacity for creative thinking that can elevate the entire team.
  • Fostering a Culture of Innovation: Innovation thrives in environments that encourage diverse thought processes. Neurodivergent individuals bring a fresh approach to problem-solving, challenging conventional norms and contributing innovative ideas. By fostering a neurodiverse workforce, employers create a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, leading to increased creativity and adaptability.
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Creating an inclusive workplace that embraces neurodiversity enhances employee satisfaction and retention. When individuals feel valued for their unique strengths and contributions, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. This, in turn, reduces turnover rates and promotes a positive organizational culture.
  • Enhanced Team Dynamics: Neurodivergent individuals often excel in specific skill sets, complementing the strengths of their neurotypical colleagues. This diversity in skills can lead to well-rounded and high-performing teams. When different cognitive styles come together, it creates a synergy that enhances collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Customer Base: In today's global marketplace, businesses interact with a diverse customer base. Having a neurodiverse workforce ensures that your team reflects the diversity of your customers. This inclusivity not only strengthens customer relations but also opens new avenues for understanding and meeting the needs of a broad clientele.
  • Legal and Ethical Imperatives: Beyond the business case, there are legal and ethical imperatives to embrace neurodiversity. Many jurisdictions have anti-discrimination laws that protect individuals with neurodivergent conditions. Prioritizing neurodiversity is not just a corporate responsibility; it's a commitment to upholding the rights of every employee.
  • Building a Resilient Workforce: In the face of challenges, a diverse and resilient workforce is better equipped to adapt and thrive. Neurodivergent individuals often exhibit resilience and determination, qualities that contribute to a workplace culture that embraces change and navigates uncertainties with grace.
  • A Competitive Advantage in the War for Talent: In today's competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is a constant challenge. By embracing neurodiversity, employers differentiate themselves as forward-thinking and socially responsible organizations. This progressive approach to inclusivity becomes a powerful magnet for diverse, skilled professionals seeking workplaces that celebrate individual differences.
  • Strengthening Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Neurodiversity inclusion aligns seamlessly with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Companies that actively contribute to societal well-being by fostering diversity and inclusion build a positive public image. This not only enhances brand reputation but also resonates with consumers who prioritize socially responsible businesses.
  • Adapting to the Future of Work: As the nature of work continues to evolve, adaptability becomes a key success factor. Neurodivergent individuals often bring unique skills, such as hyper-focus and attention to detail, that are particularly valuable in the rapidly changing landscape. Employers who embrace neurodiversity position themselves strategically for the challenges and opportunities of the future of work.
  • Cultivating a Learning Organization: Neurodiversity inclusion fosters a culture of continuous learning within organizations. Teams exposed to diverse perspectives are more likely to engage in ongoing education and training, promoting an environment where employees are committed to personal and professional growth. This commitment to learning contributes to organizational resilience and agility.
  • Reducing Stigma and Fostering Mental Health Awareness: Prioritizing neurodiversity in the workplace contributes to reducing the stigma associated with neurodivergent conditions. By openly acknowledging and accommodating neurodivergent individuals, employers foster a culture of empathy and mental health awareness. This, in turn, benefits all employees, promoting an environment where mental well-being is a shared priority.
  • Global Collaboration and Cultural Competence: In an interconnected world, businesses operate on a global scale. Neurodiversity inclusion enhances cultural competence within organizations, preparing teams to collaborate effectively across diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This global mindset is crucial for success in international markets and in navigating the complexities of a multicultural workforce.
  • Continuous Improvement through Feedback Loops: Neurodivergent individuals often have unique insights that can contribute to continuous improvement processes. By creating an environment that encourages open communication and feedback, employers can tap into the valuable perspectives of neurodivergent employees, fostering a culture of ongoing improvement and innovation.
  • Creating a Lasting Legacy: Beyond immediate business benefits, embracing neurodiversity allows employers to contribute to a lasting legacy of positive societal change. By actively participating in the creation of inclusive workplaces, organizations become agents of progress, influencing industry norms and leaving a positive impact on future generations.

Neurodiversity inclusion is not only a business imperative but also a journey towards creating workplaces that reflect the richness and diversity of the human experience. As employers recognize the multifaceted advantages of embracing neurodiversity, they position themselves at the forefront of a cultural shift that values every individual for the unique strengths they bring to the table. This is more than a strategy for success; it's a commitment to building a future where everyone, regardless of neurodivergent status, can thrive.