Fish in a Tree

New Orleans, LA

Fish in a Tree serves all Neurodivergent people.

Fish in a Tree offers a variety of services for K-12 schools, focusing on fostering a neurodiverse and inclusive environment. These services are designed to support both neurodivergent students and educators. Here is a list of services provided by Fish in a Tree for K-12 schools:

  • Neurodiversity Workshops for Educators: Fish in a Tree conducts workshops for teachers and school staff to enhance their understanding of neurodiversity. These workshops cover strategies for supporting neurodivergent students in the classroom.
  • Inclusive Curriculum Development: Collaborative work with schools to develop inclusive and neurodiversity-friendly curriculum materials. This includes resources that cater to various learning styles and preferences.
  • Professional Development Programs: Offering professional development opportunities for educators to deepen their knowledge of neurodiversity and implement inclusive teaching practices. These programs may include seminars, webinars, and ongoing training.
  • Neurodiversity Awareness Campaigns: Implementing awareness campaigns within schools to promote understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity among students, teachers, and parents.
  • Parent and Caregiver Workshops: Conducting workshops for parents and caregivers to provide them with tools and insights for supporting their neurodivergent children both at home and within the school community.
  • Consultation Services: Offering consultation services to schools on neurodiversity-related matters. This may include guidance on creating sensory-friendly environments, adapting teaching methods, and addressing specific challenges.
  • Community Building Initiatives: Supporting schools in fostering a sense of community and inclusivity. This may involve organizing events, clubs, or activities that celebrate neurodiversity.
  • Sensory-Inclusive Practices: Assisting schools in implementing sensory-inclusive practices to create environments that are sensitive to the sensory needs of neurodivergent students. This may include recommendations for sensory-friendly spaces and activities.
  • Access to Accommodations: Advocating for and ensuring access to appropriate accommodations for neurodivergent students. This includes working with schools to identify and implement accommodations that support the academic and social success of neurodivergent individuals.
  • Inclusive Extracurricular Activities: Encouraging and supporting the creation of inclusive extracurricular activities that cater to the diverse interests and talents of neurodivergent students. This fosters a sense of belonging and participation.
  • Accessible Physical Spaces: Providing guidance on making school facilities more accessible to neurodivergent individuals. This includes considerations for sensory-friendly design, clear communication, and minimizing environmental stressors.
  • Collaboration with Special Education Teams: Collaborating closely with special education teams to ensure a coordinated and holistic approach to supporting neurodivergent students. This involves regular communication and joint planning to address individual needs.
  • Ongoing Support and Follow-Up: Providing ongoing support and follow-up to schools to assess the effectiveness of implemented strategies and make adjustments as needed. This includes maintaining open lines of communication with educators and administrators.
  • After-School Programming On-Site: Offering after-school programs that provide neurodivergent students with a supportive and inclusive space for socialization, skill-building, and recreational activities. These programs are designed to accommodate various interests and preferences.
  • Mini Weekend Retreats for Educators and Administrators: Organizing weekend retreats to provide educators and administrators with opportunities for professional development, collaboration, and self-care. These retreats focus on neurodiversity education, effective teaching strategies, and fostering an inclusive school culture.
  • On-Site Support Groups: Facilitating on-site support groups for students, educators, and parents to create a community where individuals can share experiences, challenges, and strategies. These groups offer a safe and understanding space for mutual support.
  • Wellness and Burnout Education for Educators: Conducting workshops and education sessions focused on wellness and burnout prevention for educators. This includes providing resources and strategies to help educators manage stress, prioritize self-care, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Wellness Programming for Students: Implementing wellness programs for students that address various aspects of well-being, including mental health, emotional regulation, and stress management. These programs may involve mindfulness activities, relaxation techniques, and resources for building resilience.
  • Educational Activities for Parents: Providing educational sessions and workshops for parents to enhance their understanding of neurodiversity, effective parenting strategies, and ways to support their neurodivergent children's unique needs.
  • Collaborative Initiatives with Mental Health Professionals: Collaborating with mental health professionals to offer additional resources and services to address the mental health and well-being of both students and educators within the school community.
  • Celebration of Neurodiversity Events: Organizing events and activities within schools that celebrate neurodiversity, creating an inclusive and positive atmosphere that promotes acceptance and understanding among students, educators, and parents.
  • Accessibility Audits and Recommendations: Conducting accessibility audits within school facilities and providing recommendations to enhance the overall inclusivity of physical spaces for neurodivergent individuals.

Here is a sample list of available Educator presentations and workshops. All of our offerings are customizable to fit individual and organizational needs:

1 Hour Presentations

Introducing the Neurodiversity Perspective

  • Begins by defining neurodiversity and its significance in education.
  • Explains the social model of disability and how it differs from the medical model.
  • Highlights the strengths and unique talents that neurodivergent individuals bring to the table.

Understanding Autism from a Neurodiversity Perspective

  • Provides an in-depth overview of the autism spectrum and its diversity.
  • Discusses the importance of identity-first language and respecting individual preferences.
  • Emphasizes the value of neurodiversity in the context of autism.

Understanding Sensory Sensitivities

  • Explore sensory processing differences in autistic individuals.
  • Discuss practical strategies for creating sensory-friendly classrooms.
  • Share real-life examples and success stories.

Effective Communication Strategies

  • Highlight communication challenges faced by autistic students.
  • Offer practical tips for improving communication with neurodivergent students.
  • Role-play scenarios to practice effective communication.

Creating Inclusive Classroom Environments

  • Discuss the benefits of inclusive education for all students.
  • Provide guidance on adapting teaching methods and materials for diverse learners.
  • Showcase examples of inclusive classroom setups.

Supporting Executive Functioning Skills

  • Explain the concept of executive functioning and its relevance to autism.
  • Share strategies for helping students improve organization, time management, and self-regulation.
  • Offer resources and tools for educators to use.

Promoting Self-Advocacy

  • Encourage educators to support autistic students in becoming self-advocates.
  • Share resources for teaching self-awareness and self-determination.
  • Highlight the long-term benefits of empowering neurodivergent individuals.

Building a Neurodiverse School Community

  • Discusses the benefits of embracing neurodiversity school-wide, not just in the classroom.
  • Explores ways to involve students, parents, and the entire school community in promoting inclusion.
  • Strategies for creating a welcoming and accepting school culture for all students.
  • The importance of staff training and professional development on neurodiversity.
  • Involving students in neurodiversity awareness campaigns and initiatives.

Half-Day Workshops

  • Introduction to Neurodiversity in Education An overview of neurodiversity and its relevance in educational settings. Exploring the social model of disability and its implications. Practical strategies for creating neurodiverse-friendly classrooms.
  • Understanding Autism Spectrum An in-depth look at the diverse nature of the autism spectrum. Recognizing and nurturing the strengths of autistic students. Tips for educators to support autistic students effectively.
  • Sensory Sensitivities and Inclusive Environments Understanding sensory processing differences in neurodivergent students. Creating sensory-friendly classrooms and teaching materials.
  • Communication Strategies for Educators Addressing communication challenges faced by neurodivergent students. Practical tips for improving communication in the classroom. Role-playing scenarios to practice effective communication.
  • Promoting Neurodiversity Across the School Community Extending the neurodiversity perspective beyond the classroom. Strategies for creating a neurodiverse and inclusive school culture.

Full-Day Workshops

  • Inclusive Education: From Theory to Practice Comprehensive training on inclusive education principles. Strategies for adapting teaching methods and materials. Real-life case studies and group activities to reinforce learning.
  • Supporting Autistic Students: A Full-Day Immersion An intensive workshop covering all aspects of autism support. Morning session: Understanding autism and neurodiversity. Afternoon session: Practical strategies and hands-on activities.